Personal Loan


A personal loan allows you to borrow money from a lender for almost any purpose, typically with a fixed term, a fixed interest rate, and a regular monthly payment schedule. Collateral is usually not required and personal loans 

Consolidate Your Credit Card Deb


A credit card consolidation loan lets you roll multiple high-interest credit card debts into a single loan with a fixed rate, term and one monthly payment. It could help you save money over the life of the loan with a competitive rate, putting you on a path to paying off debt.

Balance Transfer Loan


A balance transfer loan is a personal loan that simplifies debt consolidation by letting Prime Loan pay some or all of your creditors for you. You choose which accounts are paid and how much of your new loan amount you want applied to each. Any funds remaining from your loan amount after your creditors are paid will be deposited directly into your bank account.

Loan Comparison